Friday, June 26, 2009

Gathering needed materials

I've located a Hebrew and Arabic phrasebook. I've got the Arabic one stored on my Ipod; I'm trying to learn as much as I can before I arrive. I'm gathering information on the addresses of my contacts in Israel and the West Bank. I'm bringing my backpacking backpack. It's blue which I'm happy about because green backpacks attract unwanted attention as they are the color the Israeli military uses. I'm debating as to whether I should try and grow out a beard or not to blend better. Only 3 more days now!


  1. you'd better go with the full gettup..beard, dishdasha, turban, camel...can't ever be too safe travis.

  2. im not sure how much a camel would be with the sky high (pun intended) baggage fees the airlines charge
